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Ancestors Quotes

All I wanted was to be a mariachi, like my ancestors.
- said by El Mariachi in El Mariachi

Did you know my great-great-grandpappy fought the measles? Yup, there's been a Jones on the force ever since my ancestors came up on the umbilical cord
- said by Osmosis in Osmosis Jones

I know that you are a man of your word, General. I know that you would die for honour, for Rome, for the memory of your ancestors. But as for me? I'm an entertainer.
- said by Proximo in Gladiator

I remember once hearing one of them injun legends about how their ancestors lit bonfires in the sky when the chief's son was dying.
- said by Lem in Duel In The Sun

Soil, the earth, the very humble material that is the dust of our ancestors and a time gone by.
- said by Johnny in Soil

The stories of our ancestors. How they solved problems. Often the problems never change. Nor the people.
- said by Buudy Bow in Powwow Highway