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Battle Quotes

Generals can do anything. There's nothing so much like a god on earth as a General on a battlefield.
- said by Colonel Joshua in Gettysburg

Go to the north. The decisive battle will be fought there
- said by Kambei Shimada in Shichinin No Samurai

I am a human being. A feeling, thinking, human being [congrats, that's half the battle these days!]
- said by Hrs Hilyard in Lady In A Cage

I don't want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse.
- said by Pippin in The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

It was the greatest of all battles, the most famous of all battles, it was the Battle of Britain
- said by Narrator in Battle Of Britain

Tall grass will cover the battlefields. And all the pilots we've lost won't mean a damn thing
- said by Reed Cassidy in Flyboys

The battle of Helm's Deep is over; the battle for Middle Earth is about to begin.
- said by Gandalf in The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

The battle trick keeps on rollin, baby...
- said by in Battletruck

This could be quite a battle, gentleman, so we have to be as ready as possible.
- said by James Wilson in Attack On The Iron Coast

This is a battleship, show some respect for yourself and your men on the Potemkin.
- said by in Battleship Potemkin

Times like this just call for oustanding courage and not flinching in times of battle.
- said by Soldier in Storm Over Asia

We didn't steal this money. We took it in battle, fair and square
- said by Vance in Love Me Tender

Well it is true that there is a lot to do to get yourself fully prepared for the battle that is the war.
- said by Sassu in Many Wars Ago

When you go to war, you need all the courage you can get, something to strengthen your resolve - that's where the battle hymn can come in...
- said by Narrator in Battle Hymn

You realise that the outcome of any individual battle has as much to do with fate as it does with the relative strength of each opponent
- said by Hank in Soldier Of Fortune