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Blood Quotes

"Love you." What bloody good is that?
- said by Sedgwick in The Great Escape

*Gasp* You made me bleed my own... no one makes me bleed my own blood!!!
- said by White Goodman in Dodgeball

After all, there's never been a kingdom given to so much bloodshed as that of Christ.
- said by Summer in Straw Dogs

And the riber is red, red with blood and clay and dust and dirt.
- said by Dave in River Red

Are you so eager to see blood flow?
- said by Lord Of Darkness in Legend

Aren't you scared, little boy? I'm going to drink your blood!
- said by Bela in Ed Wood

Blood and sand, the two were never meant to mix.
- said by in Blood And Sand

Bloodbrothers... brothers until death do us part!
- said by in Bloodbrothers

Ceremony is a re-enactment of the first exorcism. It requires the blood of a crusader and his crucifixion upon a burning cross. [sounds messy]
- said by Cardinal Alba in John Carpenter's Vampires

Doesn't that bloodhound ever relax? He sticks so close he's beginning to grow on me... like a fungus
- said by Guy Haines in Strangers On A Train

Don't you think we've got a little bit of a DNA problem here? [on a prostitutes blood splattered on the walls, apparently]
- said by Adam in Very Bad Things

Every time it happens... you tell yourself it's love. But it isn't. It's blood.
- said by Paul Gallier in Cat People

Find a place on that bloody wall and focus on that spot. Then whip your head 'round and come back to that spot.
- said by Mrs Wilkinson in Billy Elliot

Great, so you weren't content with one murder that you had to commit double murder? Well bloody done!
- said by in Double Murder

Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be.
- said by Louis in Interview With The Vampire

Hey, if you think that living one life is difficult imagine living parallel lives, it is a bloody nightmare
- said by Nick in Parallel Lives

I am he who is here right now, I am one of her remaining pieces of flesh and blood.
- said by Rocco in Rocco And His Brothers

I have worked my way up this organisation through blood sweat and tears and it has not always been easy
- said by Kovak in FIST

I loved the taste of blood since I tasted yours. [that's not a good thing or a right thing elle, that's a wrong thing, wrongun]
- said by Elle in Hiroshima Mon Amour

I never know how to dress in this bloody country. It is so easy to dress in England. You just put on warm clothing.
- said by Diana in California Suite