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Character Quotes

Before I can let any girl go from this establishment, I must know the character of the home in which she will be employed
- said by The Maid in Life With Father

Braddock was the underdog but Americans took him to their hearts because they saw what he was doing as their struggle [on his character in the film]
- said by Jim Braddock in Cinderella Man

But you're rich in character and you have great boobs [wow what a smooth and original chat up line there johnny boy!]
- said by John in Wisdom

Every female character you create has breasts too large.
- said by Paula in Best Friends

How can I be expected to maintain the character when you belittle me in front of those hooligans?
- said by Holmes in Without A Clue

Inspector, I think someone has been watching way too many Saturday morning cartoons. [can a cartoon character watch cartoons?]
- said by Doc Claw in Inspector Gadget

It's not a pretty face, I grant you, but underneath its flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.
- said by Cooky in An American In Paris

Once you have seen this film, see how you feel about the characters and ask yourself why.
- said by Narrator in Sam Whiskey

Pain creates character distortion, it's simply not necessary.
- said by Beverly in Dead Ringer

The most notorious novel of the century [the tagline to the film, not a character called tag! A rather lazy tagline all the same]
- said by Tag in Lady Chatterleys Lover

This dress exacerbates the genetic betrayal that is my legacy [not that a character like that would string together a sentence like that in reality!]
- said by Heather in Romy And Michelle's Highschool Reunion

This is precisely the moment where the mutation or beast will attempt to kill an unlikable side character
- said by Harry Farber in Lady In The Water

To be the king of any woman's heart you need certain characteristics, such as charm, good looks, wit, personality - well he had none of those...
- said by Narrator in King Of Hearts

What we've got here is a failure to communicate. [and a failure of the writers to give the lead character a funny name]
- said by Major Payne in Major Payne