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And then suddenly something happens, completely out of the blue, and takes the world by surprise
- said by Narrator in Without Warning

But to enter Montero's world, I must give you something which is completely beyond your reach.
- said by Don Diego in Mask Of Zorro

For once I'm completely in agreement with my partner. I'm not going down there. Do you know what those things can do?
- said by Austin in Spies Like Us

Has the fact that you're a complete psycho managed to escape your attention?
- said by Bianca in 10 Things I Hate About You

I am trying to have a complete nervous breakdown, and no one will let me do it in peace!
- said by Alice Goodwin in A Map Of The World

I don't want to know who you use, as long as they're not complete muppets.
- said by Hatchet Harry in Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels

In order for there to be complete trust between thieves, there can be nothing personal.
- said by Mac in Entrapment

Situation crazy, everyone seems to be going completely wild around here, repeat, it is a state of general pandemonium.
- said by Narrator in Pandemonium

Thailand was a Nordic country compared to Cambodia, and they're right next to each other [geography lesson for the day complete]
- said by Gray in Swimming To Cambodia

There is this strange thing where real life has a horrible habit of creeping up on you and taking over, and before you know it you are doing something completely different to what you originally planned to do.
- said by Albert in Real Life

Three brothers, but all very different and doing completely different things with their lives...
- said by in Brothers Karamazov

We're not involved, Mr Horman... Our position has been completely neutral.
- said by Ambassador in Missing

What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law.
- said by Buford in Smokey And The Bandit

When you put up a smokescreen around the real issue, the subtefuge is complete
- said by Roper in Smokescreen

Yesterday I was trying to complete a self portrait.
- said by Van Gogh in Akira Kurosawas Dreams

You don't have to be mad to work here, in fact, we ask you to complete a medical questionnaire to ensure that you are not
- said by David Brent in The Office

You should have seen these guys, complete amateurs. Biggest risk was I'd fall down laughing and hurt myself.
- said by Jeff in Undercover Blues