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Couple Quotes

All you need is a couple of streaks and your ears pierced. I could do it for you, it's easy
- said by Lcuy Lane in Supergirl

Hey, if one isn't enough then why not have a couple more?
- said by Johnny in Three For The Road

I don't understand it. We get along great when we're not together. [like many couples suzy!]
- said by Suzy in Cannery Row

I promised her my eternal love, and I actually thought that for a couple of hours.
- said by in Dangerous Liaisons

I saw the two of you, the way you were looking at each other tonight, like a couple of wild animals. Almost scared me.
- said by Packett in Gun Crazy

If it's all the same to you, Honey, I think I'll skip this little get together, slip out with the boys and knock back a couple of Coca Colas.
- said by H I in Raising Arizona

Impossible just takes a couple extra phone calls. [err no you don't get the concept of impossible at all do you doug - nothing to do with the phone]
- said by Doug Ireland in For Love Or Money

It don't take no big thinking to figure a couple of guys like us ain't in this bananaville on a vacation! [it takes grammar to understand the sentence though]
- said by Tony in Kansas City Confidential

Let's meet a couple of police officers. They are all good guys.
- said by Prendergast in Falling Down

Tahiti, the place where loving couples come on holiday to relax, and enjoy some quality time together before returning to reality.
- said by Narrator in Tahiti

Who Is Tough Enough? [yes, the ultra catchy and original tagline to the series was Who Is Tough Enough... not the show as it only lasted a couple of years]
- said by Tagline in Tough Enough

You are, how you say, the queer couple?
- said by Eduardo in Blame It On Rio

You made a fool out of a couple of young lieutenants. That's never against Army regulations.
- said by Nathan in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon