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Doc Quotes

Doctors have gone mad before. Judges have gone mad. So have policemen [a profound insight there from the judge]
- said by Judge Cannon in Ten Little Indians

A doctor's wife knows her place - the patients and the job must always come first and the wife comes second
- said by Lorrie in Doctors Wives

Am I supposed to say "Your place or mine?" [no lauren not now you're a doc]
- said by Doc Lauren in Half Moon Street

Braddock was the underdog but Americans took him to their hearts because they saw what he was doing as their struggle [on his character in the film]
- said by Jim Braddock in Cinderella Man

But like the doctor here, I can't prove that he stuck a knife in me and was stealing my horse.
- said by Chuka in Chuka

Doctor of nothing, Miss Smith. It sounds important and hurts no one
- said by Omar in Shanghai Gesture

Either he's dead or my watch has stopped. [good line doc]
- said by Doc in A Day At The Races

Even caring has an ulterior motive. [very cynical thought there doc]
- said by Doc Paley in Nell

Force does make leaders. But you forget one thing: it also destroys them. [too true Doc]
- said by Doc Walters in Brute Force

He said I was sensitive where sex was concerned. [on what the doctor said to her about not being like others]
- said by Sada in In The Realm Of The Senses

He won't be back for a long, long time. He went out on one of those eternity cases [on the location of the doctor]
- said by Nurse Allen in International House

Here there are no side effects. No women, no children, no towns to get in the way, just men, my dear doctor
- said by Heinzy in Raid On Rommel

I am a doctor, and I work mainly with humans... but when you see an elephant in distress I wanted to help.
- said by Henry in Zenobia

I din't know they made such beautiful bodies here in America! [you'd better head on over to Vegas then, Doc]
- said by Doc Tunde in Phat Girlz

I happen to be a doctor, but I'm not in surgery today!
- said by Anon in 3 On A Couch

I have a theory that there are two kinds of boys. There are those that want to be astronomers, and those that want to be astronauts [deep theory you got there doc]
- said by Doc Grant in Jurassic Park III

I'm a doctor, not a soldier [stunning line there bianca]
- said by Bianca in Hornets Nest

If you thought that being a doctor was dull and boring, then you were quite mistaken...
- said by Narrator in Doc

Interesting man, your doctor. Not many doctors write notes on three-hole paper
- said by Pierre in Take The Lead

It is a privilege to talk to anyone whose love of learning shines like yours [thanks doc]
- said by Doc Feckiham in Lady Jane