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Dying Quotes

A belief in miracles has been the difference between living and dying as often as any surgeon's scalpel
- said by Doc Noah in People Will Talk

Do you ever wonder about all the different ways of dying? You know, violently? And wonder, like, what would be the most horrible way to die?
- said by Trash in Return Of The Living Dead

Dying together's even more personal than living together
- said by Connie in Lifeboat

Everybody'd be nice to you if they knew you were dying.
- said by Bruce in Bang The Drum Slowly

I remember once hearing one of them injun legends about how their ancestors lit bonfires in the sky when the chief's son was dying.
- said by Lem in Duel In The Sun

I'm dying of silence, like others die of hunger and thirst.
- said by Freddy in Children Of Paradise

The clockmaker is someone with a lot of skill, and it is, alas, something of a dying art.
- said by Henry in Clockmaker

There ain't nothing more poignant than something as sensuous as a kiss before dying
- said by Narrator in A Kiss Before Dying

Yes, you see that even college students can do clever things at times, as long as it's not related to studying!
- said by Avery in Paper Man

You still think it's beautiful to die for your country. The first bombardment taught us better. When it comes to dying for country, it's better not to die at all.
- said by Paul Baumer in All Quiet On The Western Front

You want me to seduce a dying girl? And what makes you think she'll just leave me all her money?
- said by Merton in Wings Of The Dove

You watch things hunting and being hunted, reproducing, killing and dying, it's all endless and pointless [ah. a slightly nihilistic view]
- said by Allan in King Solomon's Mines

Your dying will be slow and hard
- said by Silva in Hondo And The Apaches