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Exactly Quotes

All these thefts certainly do point to something going on, my job of course is to find out exactly what that is!
- said by Nobeck in Speedtrap

At that price, the customer knows exactly what he is going to get. [buyer beware then!]
- said by Loren in Executive Suite

Exactly like your father: a big, stupid, muscle-headed moron! [well he must have been what you look for in men though mrs]
- said by Missus in Its A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Exactly your words. So I tried not to embarrass you any more.
- said by Paul in Another Woman

Hey, I've just noticed I've seen that guy before, in fact doing exactly the same thing every day.
- said by Truman in Truman Show

I like gods. I like them very much. I know exactly how they feel
- said by Jerry in Contempt

I say, marriage with Max is not exactly a bed of roses, is it?
- said by Jack Favell in Rebecca

I wasn't sure but now I see exactly why they describe this place as wild!
- said by Jules in Wild North

I'm not exactly wonderful, but I'm awfully attractive in a dynamic sort of way.
- said by Jojo in Too Many Girls

If they're not gay, they've just broken up with the most wonderful woman in the world, or they've just broken up with a bitch who looks exactly like me
- said by Meg in Big Chill

If your daddy knew exactly how stupid you were, he'd trade you in for a pet monkey. [not a very nice thing to say there jack!]
- said by Jack in Fire Down Below

In exactly twenty seconds I'm going to start shooting through that door, so get down on your stomachs [very clear instructions there gloria!]
- said by Gloria in Gloria

In space, there is no such thing as a weaker sex. [has that been empirically verified Joanna? no? exactly]
- said by Joanna in Gog

Kid, you don't have to always understand exactly what's going on!
- said by Milo in Catchfire

My name is Lucky, and that's exactly what I am - I am lucky in pretty much everything that I do!
- said by Lucky Dubarry in Johnny Apollo

Never exactly doubted you, sir, and that raw deal they gave you at your court-martial gave us a pain in the collar.
- said by Sergeant Snow in Springfield Rifle

Now we're not sure exactly what happened here, but our best guess is that we were struck by what is known as a rogue wave
- said by Mike Bradford in Poseidon

Seems to me like you all were in such a hopped-up hurry to get out of the city that you turned your kids into exactly what you were trying to get away from
- said by Sloan in Over The Edge

So what exactly is a sugerbaby then, can someone please explain this concept to me soon as I'm struggling to understand?
- said by Maz in Sugarbaby

That man just touched my holiest of holies [sorry rita, too candid, what exactly do you mean!]
- said by Rita Crowe in Kinjite Forbidden Subjects