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Garden Quotes

As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.
- said by Chance in Being There

Don't worry about the snakes in your garden when you've got spiders in your bed. [interesting one there Allen]
- said by Allen in Disturbing Behavior

I can assure you, the true charm of this world resides in this garden.
- said by Charles in French Lieutenant's Woman

I know that one of you is a werewolf. I saw you in the garden this afternoon. [well stop sweating it aunt kate only a werewolf could be worse these days]
- said by Aunt Kate in Haunted Honeymoon

If you ever get hungry, our garden back home is full of snails. We tried everything to get rid of them. We never thought of a Frenchman!
- said by Hank McKenna in Man Who Knew Too Much

It's better to help people than garden gnomes.
- said by Amelie in Amelie

Nobody ever remembers a gardener [actually that depends on the gardener, some are very memorable!]
- said by Milan in L'homme Du Train

Remember Boardwalk, Park Place, Marvin Gardens? [these are presumably squares on the American version of monopoly]
- said by Jason in King Of Marvin Gardens

The gardener has been told that only grass shall grow on my grave and in springtime I shall have anemones.
- said by Gertrud in Gertrud

They are gardeners and carpenters, they are not tomato men [because of those killer tomatoes]
- said by Tara in Return Of The Killer Tomatoes

You know what they say, don't you? If you love a man's garden, you gotta love the man!
- said by Frank in Serpico