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Givin Quotes

Are you giving me a ticket for strident writing are you? That means the death penalty for Beverly Hills parking violations is coming back too?
- said by Bernard in Osterman Weekend

Being on this train is giving me an ill feeling of fear and forboding and that is never good
- said by Jan in Sanatorium Pod Klepsydra

Family reunions are about uniting the family, bringing together the young and old. Singing and dancing and thanking God, giving him the glory
- said by Myrtle in Tyler Perry's Madea's Family Reunion

Get me. I'm givin' out wings.
- said by Nick in It's A Wonderful Life

I am your superior officer and I am giving you a direct
- said by Tom in No Way Out

I knew you were no match to me. But you insisted on giving me your life.
- said by Swordsman in Ashes Of Time

I sometimes find that giving a short and simple answer saves some confusion in the long run!
- said by Rebecca in Shout

I think you're giving him a little too much credit. Mice don't mock. They don't even have a sense of humour
- said by Ernie in Mouse Hunt

It appears that my father thought that he could extract from lightning some superviolet ray of lifegiving properties. [is that so unreasonable?]
- said by Frankenstein in Son Of Frankenstein

Lord strike this sinner down. Send a bolt down to smite and consume the blasphemer now [very forgiving preacher]
- said by Preacher in Walk On The Wild Side

On a similar note I must confess to you, I'm giving very serious thought... to eating your wife.
- said by Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal

Passing through and giving a little small town girl her big moment.
- said by Connie in No Man Of Her Own

Some people in life aren't particularly forgiving of mistakes in others, dsepite the glaring ones they make themselves!
- said by Snider in Not As A Stranger

Thanksgiving is a special time of the year, it is the event and not the surroundings and what you have that makes it so special.
- said by Elvira Wiggs in Mrs Wiggs Of The Cabbage Patch

Those guys ain't even giving us a hard look.
- said by Bar Woman in I Married A Monster From Outer Space