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Horrible Quotes

I go faster and the engines seize up and we eventually plummet to a horrible death. They spend the next year identifying femurs.
- said by Rick in Snakes On A Plane

A woman is a horrible goddamned thing to have around
- said by Jenkins in My Chauffeur

Be careful of deadly weapons if you don't know how to handle them - they have a horrible habit of going off...
- said by Tony in Deadly Weapons

Do you ever wonder about all the different ways of dying? You know, violently? And wonder, like, what would be the most horrible way to die?
- said by Trash in Return Of The Living Dead

Gentlemen, keep your eyes open and your assholes puckered. [well robert that is one horrible instruction you came up with there!]
- said by Robert in Eraser

I dreamt I was back in the pen, it was horrible.
- said by Henry Thomas in Baby The Rain Must Fall

If people see this they'll say 'Oh my God, that is horrible,' and then go on eating their dinners.
- said by Jack in Hotel Rwanda

There is this strange thing where real life has a horrible habit of creeping up on you and taking over, and before you know it you are doing something completely different to what you originally planned to do.
- said by Albert in Real Life

They're going to make you one of them, my peacock! [gosh what a horrible thought, duck!]
- said by Hercules in Freaks

This is a particularly grizzly state of affairs, and I've seen some horrible scenes in my time in this job.
- said by Jim Taggart in Taggart

We are both outcasts in our own country but for different reasons, and it feels horrible
- said by Marlene in My Sweet Charlie

We'd have more luck playing pick-up sticks with our buttcheeks than we will getting a flight out of here before daybreak [what a horrible thought!]
- said by Del in Planes Trains And Automobiles

When you're in at the deep end you have a horrible habit of drowning!
- said by in Deep End