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My father never made it out of the fourth grade. He knew people.
- said by Rocky in They Shoot Horses Don't They

All I knew was, that as long as my legs would run, and I could stand up I was gonna move toward that camp [a noble sentiment indeed, beck!]
- said by in Everest

All the women I've ever known were natural-born liars but I never knew about nuns until now.
- said by Hogan in Two Mules For Sister Sara

And then the music flowed, like we were playing for our lives, in a way that we never knew we could
- said by Fania Fenelon in Playing For Time

Being at the greatest naval base in the world, it is making my parents so proud, if only they knew!
- said by Whitney in Skirts Ahoy

Beyond a point what good is electricity anyway? [oh if only you knew Taggart!]
- said by Taggart in Edison The Man

Davana is nothing like earth at all, if only you mortals knew where I was from or could see what it was like there!
- said by Paul in Not Of This Earth

Everybody I ever knew just treated me like I was dog shit, even my f*** grandmother. [maybe that should tell you something about yourself then dexter?]
- said by Dexter in Gun Shy

Everybody'd be nice to you if they knew you were dying.
- said by Bruce in Bang The Drum Slowly

Everyday he would just sit and look at it, and he knew that he would never be able to ride it, but he thought that one day he might be able to
- said by Marc in Paperhouse

Have you ever let a romantic moment make you do something that you knew was stupid?
- said by in As Good As It Gets

Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be.
- said by Louis in Interview With The Vampire

How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world I never knew? [a fair question]
- said by Ernesto in Motorcycle Gang

I always knew you were alive, I knew it. Everybody said that I had to let you go. I love you. You're the love of my life.
- said by Kelly Frears in Cast Away

I always knew you'd be the death of us.
- said by Hyde in Mary Reilly

I could have sworn I knew every courtier in the province. [well evidently not there Henry!]
- said by Henry in Ever After

I don't think any of us knew at the time just what an impact and a real difference that show would make.
- said by in That's Dancing

I got to where I am by pushing paper and playing nice, I've never actually fired a gun before, I'm only in this job to prove to my father I'm not a coward [ha! knew it!]
- said by Sadie in Judas Kiss

I have to say that I am so in love with Douglas, oh if only he knew!
- said by Ellen in Duchess Of Idaho

I knew I should've listened to my mother. I could've been a cosmetic surgeon, five hundred thou a year, up to my neck in tits and ass
- said by Jack in Romancing The Stone