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Deeper and deeper we are getting entwined in this and I feel we are no longer able to escape
- said by Albert in Sawdust And Tinsel

I don't think I could go a minute longer without having you in my arms.
- said by Matty in That Obscure Object Of Desire

I don't think that you should worry about it for much longer, after all the end is almost in sight
- said by Kebe in Xala

I've been trying to keep my nose out of your business, but I can't stand by and watch you make a fool of yourself any longer
- said by Steele in Operation Pacific

I've stacked chairs and bottles and swept the floor up of every joint on Bourbon Street. It's gotten so I look longer at a dame with clothes on than one without.
- said by Danny Fisher in King Creole

If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me... I am no longer infected.
- said by Hungarian in And Now For Something Completely Different

If I'm not back in five minutes… just wait longer.
- said by Ace Ventura in Ace Venturer: Pet Detective

Is it possible, conceptually, for time to last a day longer than eternity, if eternity is all time?
- said by Narrator in Eternity And A Day

Marriages are very healthy, sir. You see, married men live much longer than bachelors. [has this been proven statistically?]
- said by Chester in Royal Wedding

One day the monkey went on strike. He wanted shorter hours and longer bananas
- said by Narrator in Love Happy

That was right about the time my beautiful wife Paula was leaving me for the architect who designed the house we could no longer afford.
- said by Elliot in Second Best

The weak, in those days that come, will no longer need to fear their lack of strength and fortitude
- said by Pixote in Pixote

When you climb a building like that you don't think you are going to survive much longer!
- said by The Boy in Safety Last