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I go faster and the engines seize up and we eventually plummet to a horrible death. They spend the next year identifying femurs.
- said by Rick in Snakes On A Plane

I think very few people are happy. They wait all their lives for something to happen to them. [profound and probably true, well done singleton]
- said by Single in Love Letters

I tried the pills, but they made me fat and made me sick, and besides every single day you read something new about them in the paper
- said by Brenda in Goodbye Columbus

It's like looking for a noodle in a haystack. [now that really would be something hard to do honey]
- said by Honey Hale in Flying Down To Rio

"I don't wanna be Mr. Pink, can't I be Mr. Purple or somethin'? Mr. Pink...sounds more like Mr. Pussy to me."
- said by Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs

? Don't tell me what we might do, don't tell me what we're supposed to do, don't tell me what we maybe should do, don't ever tell me nothing [which means tell him something unless he learns grammatical rules]
- said by Larry in Toughlove

A blind date is something that you get nervous about at the best of times, never mind some time like this!
- said by Jasmine in Sweethearts

A countdown usually signals that something dramatic is about to happen!
- said by Anon in Countdown

A cowboy is someone whose life is never dull, there is something else to give you a kick every day of the week!
- said by Jeff in Rhythm On The Range

A girl friend is someone and something that is very special indeed
- said by Kishore in Girl Friend

A hatchet job... well that's never something pretty is it though it can be kinda effective!
- said by David in Jade

A man writes because he is tormented, because he doubts. He needs to constantly prove to himself and the others that he's worth something
- said by Writer in Stalker

A sacrifice is something that is actually hard to define.
- said by Diane in Small Sacrifices

A salesman is somebody way up there in the blue riding on a smile and a shoeshine [obviously never met modern day salesmen then Ben have ya?]
- said by Ben in Death Of A Salesman

About once a month my friends and I get together and do something different for fun. [that must be nice for you paul]
- said by Paul in Love Potion Number 9

After years of struggling and trying to write something, one fine sunny day there came a sudden breakthrough...
- said by Anon in Breakthrough

Ah, the infidel - you may be the enemy, but there is something about you.
- said by in Beloved Infidel

All I can say is that sometimes you have to back your convictions even when it would be easier to disown them
- said by Jeanne in Passion Of Joan Of Arc

All these thefts certainly do point to something going on, my job of course is to find out exactly what that is!
- said by Nobeck in Speedtrap

Am I not the most dreadful villain you have seen? [is that something to be proud of...]
- said by Hendrik in Mephisto