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Neither Quotes

A maverick... a calf with no mother. No brand neither.
- said by Dempsey Rae in Man Without A Star

Ah, once a psychiatrist life never looks the same - and neither does your own either!
- said by Arthur in Mr Peabody And The Mermaid

Elk don't know how many feet a horse has! [and elk don't need to neither!]
- said by Beer Claw in Jeremiah Johnson

Franz is wondering if the world is a dream or a dream the world. [neither of those actually narrator]
- said by Narrator in Band Of Outsiders

The peasant is like a wild flower in the forest, and the revolutionary like a bee. Neither can survive or propogate without the other.
- said by Che Guevara in Che

This film is only for Madagascar and Iran, neither of which follow American copyright law.
- said by Bowfinger in Bowfinger

Well, yeah, but I never tried shooting myself in the head neither.
- said by Charlie in The African Queen

What would you do in this situation - I don't want to marry her but I don't want her seeing other men, neither!
- said by Steve Reardon in High Tension

You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face
- said by Friend Owl in Bambi