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Ourselves Quotes

I am just as sorry to see you here as you are to be here. Keep one thing in mind, it all depends on you yourselves just how you're going to fare during your stay here.
- said by Warden in Pardon Us

Enemy? We did it to ourselves!
- said by Dr. Charles Dutton in The Andromeda Strain

Entre nous - it means between ourselves, and between ourselves there must be no secrets, nothing that is not shared...
- said by Narrator in Entre Nous

Freedom is not just a dream, it's there, beyond those fences that we build all by ourselves. [it is a human concept however so has no definition outside our collective agreement or lack thereof of what is freedom]
- said by Ethan Powell in Instinct

If we get away with this little con trick then we are going to make ourselves very rich!
- said by Simon in Sitting Ducks

Let us strive every moment of our lives to make ourselves better and better to the best of our abilities so that all may profit by it
- said by Doc in Doc Savage

The future is not a straight line. There are many different pathways. We must try to decide that future for ourselves.
- said by Kiyoko in Akira

The scary fact is that the way humanity is going, we are soon becoming an endangered species ourselves. One press of the wrong nuclear button and it could be the end of humanity forever.
- said by Narrator in Endangered Species

The whole lot of us, leopards, lions, jackals and sheep, will continue to think ourselves the salt of the earth [that's nice]
- said by Prince in Leopard

There is a liquor store on almost every corner in the black community. Why? They want us to kill ourselves.
- said by Furious in Boyz N The Hood

These two Latina sisters - we are doing it for ourselves!
- said by Maya in Bread And Roses

This is the land of opportunity, gentlemen. The opportunity to turn yourselves in.
- said by Devereaux in Siege

We're knocking ourselves out looking for little a kid that doesn't have enough sense to stay put!
- said by Hawk in Space Raiders

We're pitiful, self-indulgent cowards that can't connect with reality and are ashamed of ourselves.
- said by Marianne in Scenes From A Marriage

Well this is quite some toy you have yourselves here gentlemen.
- said by McQuade in Eve Of Destruction

Why do you call yourselves white? You look more pink than white
- said by Steve Biko in Cry Freedom

You have mentioned that before, sir. We men of business must think of the house we serve more than ourselves.
- said by Lorry in Tale Of Two Cities