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Plays Quotes

Fireworks are a perfect example of how we can use chemicals for good or bad - good for spectacular displays and bad to destroy people and lives
- said by Anon in Fireworks

He was an alcoholic, but homosexuals are very in now in movies and books and plays, so they changed it.
- said by Jill in Butterflies Are Free

I've been producing these plays for 30 years, I think it's time that I had a break...
- said by Russell in But Not For Me

Life is one of those things that plays tricks on you from time to time
- said by Helene in Things Of Life

Maybe I'm spending too much of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays. I should probably be trying harder to score chicks.
- said by Max Fischer in Rushmore

She never gives him a turn. She just plays whatever she pleases and sometimes she doesn't play at all
- said by Flora in Piano

What does everyone want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. [impossible - you can't win a world series when you are the only country that plays can you!]
- said by Andy Safian in Malice

Why have a piano if no one plays it?
- said by Chloe in Boudou Saved From The Waters