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Promised Quotes

I promised her my eternal love, and I actually thought that for a couple of hours.
- said by in Dangerous Liaisons

She's (Elizabeth) safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington just like she promised and you get to die for her just like you promised, so we're all men our word really, except for Elizabeth who is in fact a woman.
- said by Jack Sparrow in Pirates Of The Caribbean

The director of that film promised me a pair of new boots if I went to bed with him. Think I should? [no because this is a film too irina, so easily duped honestly]
- said by Irina Asanova in Gorky Park

When you pass over the forgotten land what you come to is known as the promised land!
- said by Bev in Promised Land

You promised you'd sit through a hockey game, and I promised I'd sit through the Wagner opera next week
- said by Larry Lipton in Manhattan Murder Mystery