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Rum Quotes

A young woman like myself must learn decorum and wait for him to fall in love with me.
- said by Louise Durant in Rhapsody

Despite your crummy poem, I came to see you and all you could do was humiliate me and turn me away
- said by Celine in Life Less Ordinary

He wants the pulsing life story of this Lily Garland trumpeted through the press by tomorrow morning. Where is the little baggage?
- said by Owen in Twentieth Century

How does an average guy like me become the number one lover-man in his particular postal district? He's grumpy, he's broke, he hangs out with the musical moron twins...
- said by Rob in High Fidelity

I have heard these rumours that someone has discovered a way to make themselves invisible but surely such a thing cannot be true
- said by Maria Sorenson in Invisible Agent

If you were able to know when you were going to die, would you want to know? [quite a philosophical conundrum there casey]
- said by Casey in Mad Love

In the name of the Mambo, the Rumba, and the Cha cha cha.
- said by Cesar in Manbo Kings

Know what you know, and know what you don't know. And know that I gotta know everything you know as soon as you know it [another Rumsfeld moment]
- said by Walter in Two For The Money

My dear girl, there are times when you need to learn a little decorum in affairs of the heart
- said by Conte in Senso

No matter what you think you think, you think the same as I think. [has he been talking to Rumsfeld?]
- said by Adam in Adams Rib

Sound the horn, drum on the drums... someone is going to come undone.
- said by Narrator in Drums

Television is reality, and reality is less than television. [work out that little conundrum if you can]
- said by Brian in Videodrome

That's it, then? That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum.
- said by Elizabeth in Pirates Of The Caribbean

There are people who do not think that Rumpelstiltskin exists - all the more unlucky for them when they realise I do!
- said by Rumpelstiltskin in Rumpelstiltskin

When everything suddenly crumbles around you, you sometimes wonder whether you are the catalyst for the chaos.
- said by Aaron Arnold in Vigilante Force

When you're talking to them, they seem like perfectly nice boys. [appearances can be deceptive though it is true to say, Truman]
- said by Truman Capote in Infamous

You look through it long enough, you're gonna start seeing things, whether or not they're there. [on the joys of the telescope that humble observation instrument]
- said by Karen Pruitt in Home Alone 3