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Sheep Quotes

Cattle and sheep, and their breeders in contest, you really couldn't make the intensity of the feeling up
- said by Pastor Jim in Heaven With A Gun

If God didn't want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep.
- said by Calvera in Magnificent Seven

If God hadn't meant for them to be sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep.
- said by Calvera in The Magnificent Seven

Massaging you is like kneading dough. And as for the sex... it's like sleeping with a damp sheep [harsh]
- said by Tracey in What's The Worst That Could Happen

The whole lot of us, leopards, lions, jackals and sheep, will continue to think ourselves the salt of the earth [that's nice]
- said by Prince in Leopard

You're wasting our time, there's nothing on this island but sheep and rocks! [some countries turn that into a selling point]
- said by Whitman in Hellboy