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Slip Quotes

Are we slipping into some black hole of hairless space?
- said by Lloyd in Alien Intruder

At the turn of the next millenium the chances are that humans will not be here. That thought is humbling but true, it just takes one slip to start the war that ends all wars.
- said by David in Millenium

How about you slip into something more comfortable, like a few drinks and some Chinese food?
- said by Casey Mayo in Blue Gardenia

I'm just going to slip into something a little more comfortable [we've all heard that line before, Helen!]
- said by Helen in Hell's Angels

If it's all the same to you, Honey, I think I'll skip this little get together, slip out with the boys and knock back a couple of Coca Colas.
- said by H I in Raising Arizona

Look at this: an entire generation of Cinderellas and no glass slipper.
- said by Elaine Miller in Almost Famous

When I was a boy, I went into the forest and climbed to the top of the tallest tree. Near the top, I slipped, and managed to just grab a branch
- said by Steven in Wisdom Of Crocodiles

You've heard of slippery when wet? Now it's time to think dangerous when wet, kid!
- said by Anon in Dangerous When Wet