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Someone Quotes

Someone once said, live everyday as if it were your last cause one of these its gonna be
- said by Lanie in Life Or Something Like It

There are few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing
- said by Jane in Someone Like You

"Well keep you chin up, there's someone out there for know in some cases there are two someones for one person; I like to call that 'the jackpot'..."
- said by Peter Lafleur in Dodgeball

A cowboy is someone whose life is never dull, there is something else to give you a kick every day of the week!
- said by Jeff in Rhythm On The Range

A gambler is someone who does not know his own mind but has fun all the same
- said by Candy in Honky Tonk

A gambler is someone who thinks that they are taking calculated risks when in fact they are just being reckless with their time and money...
- said by Narrator in Gambler

A girl friend is someone and something that is very special indeed
- said by Kishore in Girl Friend

A man with a thousand faces is someone who has a certainly acute identity crisis.
- said by Narrator in Man Of A Thousand Faces

A tourist is someone who thinks about going home the moment they arrive [haha that's a good definition actually]
- said by Port in Sheltering Sky

Ain't any job in the world that isn't useful and meaningful for someone somewhere.
- said by Speedy in Speedy

And how would you feel if someone robbed your car?
- said by Greg in Priest

And when you come to desire someone with so much intensity it can eat you up and consume you...
- said by Narrator in Desire

Any normal person can get normal measles, but you got to pick a fight with a Nazi to get German measles [hmm someone needs a biology lesson quick or a humour lesson!]
- said by in Ghosts On The Loose

As someone famous once said abandon hope all ye who enter
- said by Narrator in Hope

Being double-crossed is not something that I want to happen to me, or someone wants to do to me due to what will happen to them
- said by Pancho Villa in Pancho Villa

Can someone tell me what's going on here? Am I in the wrong place, or are these the auditions for the Ice Capades?
- said by Hockey Coach in Vice Versa

Coming in here and telling me how to raise my children! Do I need someone telling me how to raise my children?
- said by Caracticus Potts in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Dad, can you really screw someone to death? [weird question there Mick!]
- said by Michael in Body Of Evidence

Do not worry about what happens when someone knocks the door, worry about what happens next
- said by Narrator in Someone Behind The Door

Do you understand what that means, it's like someone put a giant ATM on our front lawn
- said by Bryan Woodman in Syriana