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Stan Quotes

I know you disapprove, and I respect that. But there are some things that I have to do that you don't understand.
- said by Jack in Siege

I know you disapprove, and I respect that. But there are some things that I have to do that you don't understand.
- said by Jack in Sideways

There are few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing
- said by Jane in Someone Like You

A man and a woman is all that is needed, with a little luck and circumstance, to change the future of the world as we know it.
- said by Narrator in Man And A Woman

A man writes because he is tormented, because he doubts. He needs to constantly prove to himself and the others that he's worth something
- said by Writer in Stalker

A one night stand can change the course of your life, so go into it with your eyes open
- said by Max Carlyle in One Night Stand

A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others.
- said by Ben in Barnyard

All I knew was, that as long as my legs would run, and I could stand up I was gonna move toward that camp [a noble sentiment indeed, beck!]
- said by in Everest

Although Kazakhstan a glorious country, it have a problem, too: economic, social, and Jew.
- said by Borat in Borat

Although the circumstances indicate that he is your grandson, we can't prove it. [innocent without reasonable doubt]
- said by Evelyn Blount in Greystoke The Legend Of Tarzan

Are you going to stand there all day and oil your cuff-links on the top of your greasy head?
- said by Boy Wonder in Inserts

As one professional to another I would appreciate it if you minimised your constant use of profanity
- said by Arthur in Dead Bang

As soon as I saw her I could see her beauty and fell instantly in love
- said by Joe Fitzpatrick in It Started With A Kiss

At times you have to stand up straight put your head back and walk on.
- said by Alek Neuman in Streets Of Gold

Because I trust God will understand. I'm not so sure about the neighbours. [solid strategy there]
- said by The Father in Yentl

Being good looking does come with its chores... for instance all these women that want to date you.
- said by Ern in O Lucky Man

Can stay or you can leave. You understand? Either way I'm gonna do this thing.
- said by Frankie Slade in Scent Of A Woman

Circumstances have taught me that a man's ethics are the only possessions he will take beyond the grave.
- said by Hibble in Moll Flanders

Corruption is something that I can't stand ruining the place I live in and therefore I will work hard to stamp it out
- said by Judy Canova in Oklahoma Annie

Could you please stop mumbling I can't understand a word your saying.
- said by Willy Wonka in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory