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Times Quotes

Bunky? Bunky how many times do I have to tell you? The litter box, the litter box.
- said by Vincent in Police Academy 2

A blind date is something that you get nervous about at the best of times, never mind some time like this!
- said by Jasmine in Sweethearts

Adrenaline is what life is all about at the times when you want it to be quiet and sedate!
- said by Luke Darcy in Jayhawkers

All I can say is that sometimes you have to back your convictions even when it would be easier to disown them
- said by Jeanne in Passion Of Joan Of Arc

And sometimes you realise that the best policy that you can adopt is actually to say nothing at all.
- said by Narrator in Madre Giovanna Degli Angeli

And there was me thinking that urban legends were actually that... legends... bit of a rude awakening that they are actually true sometimes!
- said by Lisa in Nightmares

At times you have to stand up straight put your head back and walk on.
- said by Alek Neuman in Streets Of Gold

Be realistic will you John, sometimes you just don't get a second chance
- said by Debbie in Second Chance

Before I had the accident, I was one of the greatest trapeze artists of all times, alas.
- said by Mike in Trapeze

Being a criminal there are times where it is hard to get respect, even when you have a normal job
- said by Eddie in Once A Thief

Being a jazz musician has its dark times too ya know
- said by Bird in Bird

Being a professional assassin can be tiring sometimes, not to mention just a little dangerous!
- said by Mick in Killer

Being a writer has its perks, though the payment schedule sometimes can be kinda tough... you know, waiting twenty years for your first cheque
- said by Hank in My Old Man

Being an immigrant is difficult at times and there can be all sorts of cultural differences to overcome
- said by Nino in Pane E Cioccolata

Being married to just one of four brothers at times does not leave you feeling too special
- said by Rakel in Secrets Of Women

Being such a philanthropist gives a warm feeling but one can feel it's a little tiring at times!
- said by Horace in Ruthless

Beware of what you see in times of stress, for they area often not really there.
- said by Ray in Still Crazy

Carol, Ted and Alice... you guys are ok sometimes, ya know!
- said by Bob in Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice

Consider the following - there are times when you might like to, and other times where you might not!
- said by Jasmine in Wedding Bell Blues

Dean, there's ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted.
- said by Sam in Supernatural