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Behind every big crime there's a rich white man waiting for his cut. [hmm that's a bit of a stereotype isn't it film makers?]
- said by James in Rush Hour 2

Can you type 170 words a minute? Can you sew? Can you dance? What can you do?
- said by Eddie in She's So Lovely

Don't you sometimes feel that this is the kind of life we were meant to live on this earth? [what type would that be then]
- said by Father in Swiss Family Robinson

Fedora... isn't that a type of hat?
- said by Anon in Fedora

I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot. Ha.
- said by Willy Wonka in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

I don't know if you know it Babs, but you're my type of woman. [she does now]
- said by Bob Rusk in Frenzy

I might suggest to you that you stay away from those types of things in the future.
- said by Clay in Soldier In The Rain

To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three tigers
- said by Oddball in Kellys Heroes

Well Tom, that's bad types. Politicians, bankers, cattle-kings... Scum...
- said by in Young Guns 2