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Useless Quotes

All I wanted to be was happily useless, you made me miserably useless.
- said by Plunkett in High Spirits

But first you have to give up. First, you have to know, not fear, know that someday you are going to die. Until you know that, you are useless.
- said by Tyler Durden in Fight Club

Some of these men are fantastic and courageous, he's one of the most useless people in uniform.
- said by Flagg in What Price Glory

Some of us are cursed with memories like flypaper. Stuck there is a staggering amount of miscellaneous data, most of it useless
- said by Holmes in Private Life Of Sherlock Holmes

Why is something as idol and as useless as gossip so interesting that it consumes our modern lives about people who are vacuous and we know nothing about really - Hollywood celebrities?
- said by Sal in Gossip