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Warning Quotes

All right, we'll go to your place and you can show me your organ. But I'm warning you, it'd best be having music coming out of it.
- said by Jake in Rhinestone

Although, so far there's no known treatment for death's crippling effects, still everyone can acquaint himself with the three early warning signs of death: one, rigour mortis; two, a rotting smell; three, occasional drowsiness.
- said by Anon in Kentucky Fried Movie

I warned them all from the beginning. I always said something along the lines of… I must advise you, I am stamped with an invisible warning: "will not commit", "will never marry".
- said by Alfie in Alfie

I'm warning you Archie, if the sale goes down the drain, you and the Vigils go down the drain
- said by Archie in Chocolate War

I'm warning you. Don't force me to shoot! [now that line could come from a thousand films]
- said by Peter Vincent in Fright Night

Thanks for the warning sis, I'll be sure to return the favour, first chance I get.
- said by Christina in Yours Mine And Ours

They say to watch out for a lady in red, and that is the warning signal I am trying to send out!
- said by Polly in Lady In Red

When you stumble across a warning of perilous times ahead from the ancients, you have two choices: ignore it, or face it head on
- said by Narrator in Last Embrace