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Works Quotes

Don't get saucy with me, Bernaise. [must have taken them ages to come up with such a funny line as that which works on so many levels]
- said by Count De Money in History Of The World Part 1

Fireworks are a perfect example of how we can use chemicals for good or bad - good for spectacular displays and bad to destroy people and lives
- said by Anon in Fireworks

How do you like your ribs? [oh that joke works on so many levels]
- said by Action Jackson in Action Jackson

I don't think this is the time to start examining the works of art is it!
- said by Julia in Terror In The Wax Museum

If this is plan works, then I will finally escape from death row.
- said by Charles in Bloodhounds

If this works, you get to be Postmaster General.
- said by in Air Force One

In the field, this is how it works: the good guys, that's us, we chase the bad guys. And they don't wear black hats
- said by Thomas Devoe in Peacemaker

It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms... and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me...
- said by Buddy in Elf

Mr Nixon, thank you for that concise political commentary, but I think I'd rather delve into a more personal for the men in the field. How would you describe your testicles? [oh that works on so many levels, actually none]
- said by Adrian in Good Morning Vietnam

Repetition works, David. Repetition works, David.
- said by in Natural Born Killers

She can't whistle while she works so she hums!
- said by Spence in A Fine Mess

That old saying, how you always hurt the one you love, well, it works both ways.
- said by Tyler Durden in Fight Club

That old saying, how you always hurt the one you love, well, it works both ways.
- said by Jack in Fight Club

What've I missed? Massacre started yet? Fireworks going off?
- said by Daffy Duck in Daffy Duck's Quackbusters

When you move your mouth over the mouth of another and the kiss happens for the first time, fireworks
- said by Victor in Mouth To Mouth

When you're afraid, close your eyes and count to five. Sometimes it works for me.
- said by Tim in Boogeyman

Works very quickly. It has worked its way to my heart
- said by Huo in Jet Li's Fearless