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Thoughts Quotes

Because we're firing blanks doesn't mean we have to be thinking nice thoughts.
- said by Wells in Dog Soldiers

Desire is what drives life, everything that we do is not motivated by belief, thoughts or feelings, but by what we desire to do.
- said by Pablo in Law Of Desire

Hey everybody look at me... actually on second thoughts, don't!
- said by Rick in Watch It

I feel terrible for the thoughts, but his death made me wonder if the whole marriage was a mistake.
- said by Christine in Un Carnet De Bal

No, there are things you need to understand, most people lie about their thoughts and feelings, revealing the truth about anyone other than yourself is not possible
- said by Lucy in Paris France

That's it. You know on second thoughts maybe I won't have a drink with you.
- said by Paddy O'Neil in Patriot Games

You are saying you can read people's thoughts? [you must be the brains then prosecutor!]
- said by Prosecutor in Hanussen

Your heart needs to be like it's clean from the inside: no negativity, no bad thoughts.
- said by Axel in Walk On Water