Brought Movie Quotes

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Golem was brought to live in the 16th century by Rabbi Loew...

We come from people who brought us up to believe that life is a struggle

How could The Powers allow you to be brought back, dangle a second chance then take it away like this?

I even brought provisions: pure, unadulterated junk food

Can you tell me about anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

There's a fine young lady I'd like to introduce you to. Fine young lady. She's brought a lot of happiness in my life.

You asked for a case, we brought you a case.

You're my blood. Only you could've brought me out - in your mind.

How would you feel if you'd been dead a day and a half and someone brought your more bad news?

Shakalu brought my some crazy Zimbabwe weed that turns you into a deer. [err that really does sound flippy]

You might find someone's prick in a hot dog roll [not a nice thing to say freddy weren't you brought up proper!]

When we realised that war was brewing it brought a little more focus and perspective to what we were doing

Let him be guided by the creative power of life itself, because that is what has brought me here today

But how can this be? I died didn't I and now you have brought me back to life... who's body is this?

We could have brought anyone into this show: Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul. Nomi Malone is what Las Vegas is all about!

There is just such a difference between how we were brought up and those youngsters today, incredible how times change so quickly.

Before you go however, I very much regret to inform you that a dangerous development has recently been brought to my notice

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