Case Movie Quotes

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Someone has been pissing on my Gamecube and I'm about to close the case.

You're Norman Bates with a briefcase. [to serial killer Richard Hillman]

I'll bring my wallet just in case.

If you're gonna ask if you can ask me a question, give me time to respond. Unless you're asking rhetorically, in which case the answer is obvious - Yes.

"Well keep you chin up, there's someone out there for know in some cases there are two someones for one person; I like to call that 'the jackpot'..."

A case with Four Stones in it! Not one or two or three, but four! Four stones! What the hell am I supposed to do with an empty case?

In case you haven't noticed, and judging by the attendance you haven't, the Indians have managed to win a few ball games, and are threatening to climb out of the cellar.

Casey, when did you become Sigourny Weaver?

My better instincts say I shouldn't get involved with this case, but I've never paid much attention to them!

He is a total nutter, a total basket case... but strangely attractive!

You asked for a case, we brought you a case.

Of all the cases that I have worked on, this gotta be one of the most unusual out there...

I'll tell you what this pregnancy's taught me: It's taught me to look like the back end of a bus and sit around every night with nothing to do! [in which case a valuable lifes lesson then meredith!]

Either the world's right side up or upside down, it depends on how you look at it [unless its a sphere in which case there is no such concept... oh it is]

The answer to that is persistence and the hope that sooner or later something will turn up, some tiny lead that can grow into a warm trail and point to the cracking of a case

She was from another star. He had waited his whole life for this one meeting [yes that's the tagline for the film just in case you didn't realise it!]

I learned more about this case in five minutes from him than I did from all of our photographs, tire prints and investigations.

He won't be back for a long, long time. He went out on one of those eternity cases [on the location of the doctor]

Hey Walter! In case you want to duck once in a while, it ain't against the rules!

There's a cure for everything except death [by definition, though it can be prevented in many cases]

If you were able to know when you were going to die, would you want to know? [quite a philosophical conundrum there casey]

Sometimes it is hard to focus on the case, it depends what distractions there are around you!

Cracking a case is hard to do, because whilst the themes may be the same there are many elements that differ with each and every case

Oh, that should be in the brief. That's the most interesting part of the case.

This is a case where even a great detective feels as though he is clutching at straws

Being in the special forces, you might think, would make you feel special... but actually that doesn't seem to be the case at all!

And was it a case that they all lived happily ever after, or did that bit not actually happen?

Some things you just can't imagine and to be honest it is probably for the best that that's the case else you might never sleep again!

The plan should include one human being for reference in case of unforeseen contingencies.

But in my case he fosters a ghastly illusion and I come to you as his friend rather than turning the matter over to my solicitor

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