Cus Movie Quotes

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First principles, Clarice. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?

Scared of who? scared of you? Im supposed to scared of you? i aint scared of nobody cus i will lay your ass out!

People have accused me of being absent minded, I forget why!

Often, the less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it.

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.

If any customer finds a bone in their fish, I give them their money back plus a quarter.

I accuse you of being from another planet, but an honest planet!

Why can't we marry? Ator, we are brother and sister. [ok so that's quite a good excuse as reasons go there sunya!]

Find a place on that bloody wall and focus on that spot. Then whip your head 'round and come back to that spot.

For seven years I've been less than a man, but you're more than a woman. [stop talking in riddles Marcus!]

At that price, the customer knows exactly what he is going to get. [buyer beware then!]

It's the eye of the tiger, burning bright, focussing in on you with its sight, about to pounce, about to strike, the eye of the tiger so quick - take a hike!

If you think we could be doing more to meet your needs, then I suggest you take it up with customer service after we land.

Excuse me, Johnny, I've got to hang up. We're expecting a call from you any minute [loving the humour there Tim!]

When the gold rush comes to town, then you know about it. Like a plague of human locusts suddenly everything is consumed and then when the gold is gone, they vanish...

Do you think that these are the most stupid named dogs in the whole of film history? discuss!

I used to eat red meat every day and then I gave it up and then I had some again recently and I was totally bloated! I mean, like, really bad! [thanks for discussing dietary habits on films sam we appreciate it]

The organist always kisses the bride, its an old Welsh custom, you know, handed down from father to son [yeah yeah ritchie - lame excuse!]

If you accuse me of being flamboyant, then I won't take that as an insult, nor as a lie

They know the golden rule of prostitution - never fall in love with one of your customers

There are some things that you discuss with friends and family, and some things that you must never.

Great advertising idea, lock the customers in until they buy something [well it is probably quite effective!]

Sometimes it is hard to focus on the case, it depends what distractions there are around you!

I didn't know he was going to be positioned at such a risky spot. [same excuse every time!]

Hard luck is something that runs in my family, or that's my excuse for my lack of achievements anyhow.

You don't have to worry about the rest; you'll never see it through the smog. [discussing the finer points of the implications of man-made pollution]

Having superhuman powers is definitely something that one could get accustomed to!

When you are coming towards the end of your active life it focuses the mind on what really matters.

So, a circus worker can be serious and not happy from time to time, you know.

Excuse me, sir, is this normal, or should I be nervous again?

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