Dreams Movie Quotes

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It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.

This republic of ours is something like a rich widow. Most Romans love her as their mother but Crassus dreams of marrying the old girl to put it politely.

These dreams... they are so vivid that they feel almost real, yet at the same time I know that they are not.

I keep on having dreams about my dead cousin... disturbing...

A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches

Whenever I try to remember my dreams, I always turn them into stories

It's the day of change. Strange things happen. Beautiful women in dreams, peaches, strange things.

It does not do to dwell on dreams...

Dreams. We have then every night of our lives, yet despite being what we do with most of our life, very little is still understood about dreams and what they are.

My dreams used to be calm and peaceful but now they are haunted with something disturbing and it irks me...

This is the boulevard of dreams, yet there is nothing here

Dreams are what life is made of, but for Jonathan Street dreams are all he had

In my dreams you will be there and that is where I want to be right now

This is an incredible adventure, it really is beyond my wildest dreams!

A pity to shatter your innocent dreams, Princess Elaine, but the throne of Cornwall is to be mine and only you can give it to me.

I come to France with great hopes and dreams and the reality is that I become a servant

You will never escape me, you are the one in my dreams of blood!

Dreams or nightmares? Madness or sanity? I don't know which is which. [you know what they say jess, don't sweat the small stuff]

Sweet dreams to my fingers, sweet dreams to my knees. Sweet dreams to bellybuttons that go in and out [you what?]

Being young and going to the navy, gosh, isn't that what every young buck dreams of

Being a cop is something I always dreamed of. Like most dreams once you get it you realise it's not so hot after all.

There are times when you wish that your dreams could just come true - for one day at least

There are times when you should consider what you are doing in order to pursue your dreams.

Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh - erotic nightmares beyond any measure, and sensual daydreams to treasure forever

What level of deception and cheating are you prepared to go to in order to realise your own dreams at the expense of others?

A hidden place, somewhere secret that you and only you know, is this not what everyone dreams of once?

This is the life everyone dreams of - I get the life style, the mystery, intrigue and excitement.

Happiness lies in our destiny like a cloudless sky before the storms of tomorrow destroy the dreams of yesterday and last week.

The one [dream man] I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of, in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart

Well, I cannot tell you all how deeply moved I am. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be the object of so much genuine affection.

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