Exact Movie Quotes

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I say, marriage with Max is not exactly a bed of roses, is it?

You there, be back with my crown in exactly 10 days.

Exactly your words. So I tried not to embarrass you any more.

Kid, you don't have to always understand exactly what's going on!

I like gods. I like them very much. I know exactly how they feel

There's three of you. You're not exactly lone. Shouldn't you be the Three Rangers?

If they're not gay, they've just broken up with the most wonderful woman in the world, or they've just broken up with a bitch who looks exactly like me

At that price, the customer knows exactly what he is going to get. [buyer beware then!]

If your daddy knew exactly how stupid you were, he'd trade you in for a pet monkey. [not a very nice thing to say there jack!]

In exactly twenty seconds I'm going to start shooting through that door, so get down on your stomachs [very clear instructions there gloria!]

In space, there is no such thing as a weaker sex. [has that been empirically verified Joanna? no? exactly]

Exactly like your father: a big, stupid, muscle-headed moron! [well he must have been what you look for in men though mrs]

My name is Lucky, and that's exactly what I am - I am lucky in pretty much everything that I do!

That man just touched my holiest of holies [sorry rita, too candid, what exactly do you mean!]

This is fun, I do not know what exactly or how exactly, but it is definitely fun!

We are a working class family living in Wales, we haven't exactly had all the breaks in life have we

For reasons I can't go into and you don't wanna know about, I have to go to this wedding, and I need a date, and you'd be the exact, perfect guy

You have to know how lovable and wonderful you are right now, exactly the way you are [loving the pop psychology]

Seems to me like you all were in such a hopped-up hurry to get out of the city that you turned your kids into exactly what you were trying to get away from

Now we're not sure exactly what happened here, but our best guess is that we were struck by what is known as a rogue wave

When you live on the river of shells, sometimes you feel that's exactly what you're walking on

Well, there are these rules that guys have, an understanding as to what exactly constitutes cheating. Take your situation for example: it's not cheating. It's never cheating when you're in a different area code, not to mention a different state.

All these thefts certainly do point to something going on, my job of course is to find out exactly what that is!

Never exactly doubted you, sir, and that raw deal they gave you at your court-martial gave us a pain in the collar.

So what exactly is a sugerbaby then, can someone please explain this concept to me soon as I'm struggling to understand?

I'm not exactly wonderful, but I'm awfully attractive in a dynamic sort of way.

Hey, I've just noticed I've seen that guy before, in fact doing exactly the same thing every day.

That really was something with the dancing girl, wasn't it? What exactly did all that mean?

There is something special about that man, I do not know exactly what yet, but I feel it earnestly.

I wasn't sure but now I see exactly why they describe this place as wild!

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