Honour Movie Quotes

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I know that you are a man of your word, General. I know that you would die for honour, for Rome, for the memory of your ancestors. But as for me? I'm an entertainer.

When anyone is dishonoured, whether male or female, there is the potential of revenge

How much does honour pay by the hour?

How much does honour pay by the hour?

In the old days, when concepts like honour and valour were still around, men used to settle their differences with a duel...

Do you honestly believe that I could've amass the wealth that I have if I worried about honour?

They don't call me the fixer for nothing - money will sway the heart of everyone but the most honourable of officials

I won the beauty contest, oh my gosh I am so real honoured and excited all!

People starve, but we must not grow food. We must honour the comrade children, whose minds are not corrupted by the past [sounds like the sort of policy a politician might come up with!]

Honour is a luxury only gentlemen can afford

It is such an honour to have received this most prestigious award in recognition of the humble work that I have done

My father told me, It takes the glory of God to conceal the matter and the honour of kings to search it out

But I have no choice, unless I give him up entire to his enemies. And though I love his honour, it is but a moon-cast shadow to the love I bear him

Of course, when I tell that story, it's going be the other way around following the time honoured fashion.

With your kind attention, and permission, I have the honour of presenting to you one of the most remarkable men in the world

You are confusing bets and marriages, Madam. One must always honour a bet.

Four big shots made improper advances toward her, but she defended her honour with great success.

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