Imagine Movie Quotes

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I loved that man like a brother. So I took no joy in that. Imagine what I can do with someone I hate!

Yes, imagine how wonderful a girl who bathes would be...

It is terrible being blind can you imagine that? Even thinking about what that would mean...

Racing is my life, it is everything to me and I cannot imagine not having it

The railway has become my way of life: I cannot imagine and do not know anything else

It's not the doing shit that gets to you - It's the consequences - Imagine a life without consequences.

I've seen things here that I could never possibly have imagined, and I've got a pretty broad imagination.

Isolated for many years as a political prisoner, this tale has elements of every human emotion that you can imagine, and then some more...

I can't imagine not ever being friends with you ulrich...

Sometimes when I close my eyes and think really hard... I imagine that I'm somewhere else! [well done Johnny special talent you have there]

Nazis, deodorant salesmen, wrestlers, beauty contests, a talk show. Can you imagine the level of a mind that watches wrestling? [don't know but half of america watches wrestling!]

The best friendship is that which lasts forever and you could not imagine being without ever!

Sometimes there is more going on behind than the scenes than you could ever realise; than you could ever imagine...

Oh, that was such an amazing love story that one really can't imagine it ever being beaten! [Saturday Night Fever]

It only takes a few moments to fall in love, so when you have all the time in the world imagine what can happen

I'd rather imagine a man than know him for sure

When I caught the officer of the Luftwaffe, I never imagined what might happen as a result!

The condor has the biggest wingspan of all birds and can soar on the thermals without flapping its wings - imagine that!

Here is Wisconsin life is more boring than anywhere else on earth - at least I can't imagine anywhere more dull to live!

Hey, if you think that living one life is difficult imagine living parallel lives, it is a bloody nightmare

When you are a princess and on a budget, then life can be more stressful than you care to imagine!

Open the boundaries of what is possible and all sorts of things you never imagined will flood in.

You know, I think it's actually got bigger, if you can imagine such a thing.

There are times when it is very hard to imagine what else you can do other than this.

Some things you just can't imagine and to be honest it is probably for the best that that's the case else you might never sleep again!

I think it is pretty exciting being a babysitter to a family like this, imagine if people knew about the triplets!

Well, I cannot tell you all how deeply moved I am. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be the object of so much genuine affection.

All border towns bring out the worst in a country. I can just imagine your mother's face if she could see our honeymoon hotel.

You can't imagine how much I feel like making love to you. But I'll never tell anyone, especially not you [did he just say that?]

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