Joy Movie Quotes

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Please don't say such nice things about the kids. I cry too easily. Both in sorrow and in joy.

The valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter... and so am I.

We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good.

Ohhh. Hmm. Well, you know Mom, there are ways to enjoy yourself without Dad

I loved that man like a brother. So I took no joy in that. Imagine what I can do with someone I hate!

Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them!

Can you tell a story? Can you make us laugh? Can you make us cry? Can you make us want to break out in joyous song? Is that more than one thing?

You know what I like about you? You enjoy being in control. Like me.

The strangest things in life can be a bundle of joy for you.

One crow means sorrow, two crows brings joy, three crows for a girl, four crows for a boy - five crows for silver, six crows for gold - seven crows for a secret that's never been told

After dark, my sweet, that is when the nightmares begin but you will also experience a lot of joy too

Is that a ten-gallon hat, or are you just enjoying the show?

It's funny, but practically all the people I know were strangers when I met them. [yes very funny Joyce!]

If you think you've seen some tacky films in your time then you ain't seen nothing yet, so sit back and enjoy!

Happy new year to you all, and I hope that this year is full of joy and prosperity for all of you

You know what they say - the bigger they come the harder they fall and the more we enjoy their fall too!

I don't think you can call doing a job like that which you enjoy so much something that is work

It takes a woman all powdered and pink to joyously clean out the drain in the sink!

You look through it long enough, you're gonna start seeing things, whether or not they're there. [on the joys of the telescope that humble observation instrument]

I do not know what it is but there is just something about him, something magnetic, that I do enjoy so

My practices aren't designed for your enjoyment. [that's where you are going wrong, coach]

Life is dangerous kid so remember to make the most of those moments that you find yourself able to relax and enjoy

Tonight I love the whole world and I want them to know it. [enjoy it while you can marjorie as such moments of elation are usually fleeting and elusive]

The greatest joy of all is the joy of living, there is no joy greater than that one simply derives from the fact and knowledge that one is alive!

Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but you're going to live to enjoy all the glorious fruits life has got to offer!

Why don't you lay back and enjoy being inferior?

All that I ask is that you do every little thing that pops into my head, while I enjoy the enormous fortune your parents left behind

You don't believe in the sanctity of divorce, do you? [there is no such thing is there joyce]

Welcome everyone to the life of Marilyn Monroe, sit back and enjoy the journey, it's one helluva ride!

I rather enjoy a secret affair, particularly with some an interested crown prince"

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