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He was permitted, without restriction, to speak of himself as immoral, agnostic and socialistic, so long as it was universally known that he remained pure, Presbyterian, and Republican

Black gold, or as it is known to the consumer, coffee

Who would have known that dating more than one air hostess would be such hard work?

There's a whole world out there, unexplored and unknown. And we all live in the world we know.

A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you've been drinking Jack and Coke all morning. She can make you feel high full of the single greatest commodity known to man - promise

The name, Betelgeuse, the mission, not yet known...

He's sweeter than he is judgmental. How long have you known him?

How the world started is still a big unknown, but for most, it started with a deathly silence, as there was no sound. This we call the big bang...

Don't drink the water - it has been known to have some very strange effects on people

The gorgon is one of the most terrifying monsters ever known [what another one? What's with all these films with terrifying monsters?]

Most of them have known you since, well, practically since you were born.

The sound of gunfire is one of the scariest and most liberating sounds that is known to man, currently

I find that in a stable place and in a known set of conditions life is dull and uninterested and i get bored so quick

There is something about Sandy as though there is some bond like we have known each other all our lives! [oh the irony]

Although, so far there's no known treatment for death's crippling effects, still everyone can acquaint himself with the three early warning signs of death: one, rigour mortis; two, a rotting smell; three, occasional drowsiness.

I've been known to make a few adjustments now and again.

Going for a ride at this price I might have known that something was up!

When things get mixed up then there is a recipe for a real disaster, some laughs, and the great unknown.

Now we're not sure exactly what happened here, but our best guess is that we were struck by what is known as a rogue wave

Winning a prize for fighting is pretty much what qualifies you to be known as a prize fighter

When you pass over the forgotten land what you come to is known as the promised land!

Once a man joins that gang, he never comes out alive... It's known as the Brotherhood of Death. [very cheerful!]

On the other hand, some speechwriters have the tendency to become what is known as paranoid.

It can be quite suffocating to be known as the Strangler, if you will pardon the pun...

I am the local civilian authority and I am hereby making a formal request of the military to do everything in its power to assist and aid me in apprehending known

I have to say he is the finest man that I have ever known - trousers or no trousers.

It's a well known fact that some men were born two drinks below par.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity

All the women I've ever known were natural-born liars but I never knew about nuns until now.

If I had not known about it in advance, I feel it would have been the end of me.

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