Lane Movie Quotes

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If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon... and for the rest of your life.

He takes a plane, he goes over the reservoir, fills it with water, dumps it, puts the fire out.

I accuse you of being from another planet, but an honest planet!

According to the Bible, Man was created on the Earth. Nothing is ever mentioned of his going to other planets.

When I stumbled, I attached a magnetic capsule to your plane.

I'll be back in time if I have to pull that plane out with my teeth!

I live on a little planet called reality, where things like that don't happen.

Dinosaurs ruled our planet for millions of years and yet they died out almost over night

Being sent to planet earth, this was considered the cruellest of punishments on my planet!

Earth. The planet we live on yet still know so little about. Only a few hundred years ago, we thought it was just a flat sheet of paper that you could fall off the ends of...

Wow, you can get as many burgers and fries as you want and a refillable drink? This really is a fantastic planet, we don't get food like this at home!

Did anyone else see those big letters circling the planet?

Are you telling me you're building me an airplane with only one wing?

The gypsy moth is an endearing little plane hard to fly but memorable when you get the hang of it

High tide and low tide, the tides have had significance on this planet long before the first person was even born

Missing th e last train home is bad enough but the last plane, that just sucks

Missing th e last train home is bad enough but the last plane, that just sucks

Living on the edge, that is what life is all about in the fast lane.

Mankind, probably the most mysterious species on our planet. A mystery of open questions. [very profound there narrator]

You know, when we were on that plane, I was fascinated by the way the shadow followed us

After the plane crash, things never were quite the same again.

The matchmaker is responsible for lives and loves and perhaps even the future of the planet

Maybe it doesn't weigh anything - did you ever think of that? Maybe it's on one of those planets that doesn't have any gravity

An oil production platform isn't a building or an aeroplane. It's miles out to sea and you can't approach it without being seen or heard unless you come from below.

If there's any justice on this planet, they'll never make you give back that red dress.

Some of us are cursed with memories like flypaper. Stuck there is a staggering amount of miscellaneous data, most of it useless

Oh, you really think the pilot is controlling this plane? That would really scare me.

I don't want to kill you Mr. Cooper. I want to be civilized. So please get off the plane with the other passengers?

And for the first time, we can see these unique pictures from the surface of the red planet, a privileged feeling indeed and no little humbling for all that

Mankind, probably the most mysterious species on our planet. A mystery of open questions. Who are we? [not an original film line]

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