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In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright so that God may love thee. Speak the truth, always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.

I am a choreographer. That's what I do. You are cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded. What you do is a tiny, pathetic subset of dancing. I will attempt to turn your robotic routines into poetry, written with the human body. Follow me, or perish, sweater monkeys.

This unrest is not good, it is going to lead to something that will not be pleasant

You don't wanna get laid, man. It leads to kissing and pretty soon you gotta talk to them!

Force does make leaders. But you forget one thing: it also destroys them. [too true Doc]

I gave specific orders that no expeditions were to occur without my leadership!

If you are going to follow the leader best make sure they ain't sleepwalking off the edge of a cliff!

Training to be a swordfighter has a habit of leading to you getting injured when you lose concentration...

The answer to that is persistence and the hope that sooner or later something will turn up, some tiny lead that can grow into a warm trail and point to the cracking of a case

And so they started to lead the gang, and from that point on things started to happen in their lives...

So she comes to the door and she is totally nude, from head to toe. And she leads me inside and I sit down, right? [and then... you woke up perhaps perry?]

When you forge money you start a chain of events that can lead anyplace...

What we've got here is a failure to communicate. [and a failure of the writers to give the lead character a funny name]

There are times when you just have to keep your head down and move on - that's what leadership is all about.

If you plead not guilty, you will be sentenced to death. And, unlike in your country, Mr. Moore, sentences are carried out within a week

This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven.

If you continue on this disruptive track, it will lead straight to the devil. Have you any idea what girls like you become?

In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time

Wherever the informant leads, it is our responsibility to follow him in a fluid moving perimeter

I knew that you would want to lead me through my first sexual encounter will all the compassion and care that someone would give to their soulmate.

The war had all but ground to a halt in the blink of an eye. Lucian, the most feared and ruthless leader ever to rule the Lycan clan, had finally been killed

So that woman is not actually my wife? Which leads to the worrying question then of - who the hell is she?

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