Lou Movie Quotes

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I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular.

Do you mean that in order to save his contemptible life, he dared to impress upon our credulous simplicity?

It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.

Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

It is always women like you who are most victimised by anti-choice - indigent women, third-world women, women of colour.

Hey dirtbag, you're a lousy shot. I don't like lousy shots.

Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud.

When other babies giggled and gurgled and wiggled, I proudly was loudly forlorn

Inspector Clouseau has disappeared, this means only one thing... trouble!

I went outside, tripped over the chaise lounge, hit my head on the cement and rolled into the pool

This is ridiculous! It's a dog, he doesn't have preferences! [don't tell the dog lovers taht one, Georgey!]

The French Revolution could have been avoided if Louis XVI had given the people a reason to celebrate.

There's a black cloud coming from the east to cover us all.

Robbing banks is a perilous game; however robbing banks with nerve gas is genious

You lay life on a table and cut out all the tumours of injustice: Marvellous.

A knight is sworn to valour. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless

In the old days, when concepts like honour and valour were still around, men used to settle their differences with a duel...

Elephants can't climb trees, can they? Nah, that's ridiculous.

Did you know that the most developed part of the brain is the ability to distinguish one face from another? Two eyes, a nose and a mouth - in principle they look pretty similar on everyone, but our brain has been trained to see a face in everything, which is why we often think we see one in clouds, toast or any other object

It's an impressive read: bold, yet meticulous strategies [on sams diary]

Why did you conceive, plan and execute this dastardly and scandalous crime?

Today, the government still denies the genetic effects caused by the radioactive fallout

He may be unscrupulous but he is also very clever, and those two together are a rather dangerous combination!

A nickel bag gets sold in the park, I want in. You guys got fat while everybody starved on the street [jealousy there frank?]

She's so fat I had to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot [that's not very polite, joe]

When you stumble across a warning of perilous times ahead from the ancients, you have two choices: ignore it, or face it head on

When I looked at you, exotic words drifted across the mirror of my mind like clouds across the summer sky

Did you know that Eleanor Roosevelt gave Lou Gehrig the clap? [or more to the point, do you care]

You are in perilous danger of turning me back into a heterosexual.

Good lord, she wore tights, how very scandalous indeed... what next and what is the world coming too

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