Mist Movie Quotes

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Private Hudson: Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? Private Vasquez: No, have you? **** The above is from "Aliens"

I think we might have made a mistake leaving the Shire, Pippin.

Courage! What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got?

Listen, mister, if you don't get me on board that goddamn submarine, I might just have a war for you! You got me? Now you have ten more minutes' worth of fuel, we stay here ten more minutes!

They call me Mister Tibbs!

Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armour. Don't you forget it. You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!

You're a stupid man, Mister Burke. You only see me standing between you and your money. You're forgetting about the thousand men standing behind me. That's a mistake.

Something wrong, Mister Ventura?

Well, I see what you mean. Very interesting. Make no mistake, I shall regret the absence of your keen mind; unfortunately, it is inseparable from an extremely disturbing body.

I know a divine taxidermist, darling. Did my first husband.

We know that you know, Mister Caul. For your own sake, don't get involved any further.

For the record... was written... and produced by mistake! [could have been written about the film!]

She said that I was a mistake... and that she never wanted me

When a posse makes a mistake, it's a mighty hard thing to unmake.

If you thought that being a doctor was dull and boring, then you were quite mistaken...

You're hopeless - you haven't the mistiest notion of civilization.

If you think that I'll leave Berlin for that [the war being lost], you are sadly mistaken. I'd prefer to put a bullet in my head.

The Americans are fools. I offered my services, they refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.

Cats like Felix, like Felix [wow that really is an ingenious advertising slogan line and make no mistake!]

I don't often try to apologise because I seldom make any mistakes. [apologise for your stupid name though hey bake]

Been handling this stuff ever since I blew up the nursery with my first chemistry set. [what chemicals did they put in that then miller?]

You're good Mister Randall. But you're not good enough. [ah, stan the man, learn never to say such things in movies!]

I wouldn't take you to a dogfight if you were the defending champ! [that was your first mistake, mr moon]

You're obviously mistaking me for someone with potential. [cos you have none at all harper, uhuh]

I expected to be frightened on my wedding night, but nothing like this. [was that optimistic thinking there about seeing something that would frighten you joan?]

It is hard when you are are torn between two things that offer such different qualities to you; a wife, children and a mistress!

You have no brake lights. Your license is expired. You may be able to get to the moon, but mister you're a menace on the highway

Some people in life aren't particularly forgiving of mistakes in others, dsepite the glaring ones they make themselves!

Mister, the westbound Express is right behind us. You're greenlighting it to highball right into us!

It's never a mistake to care for someone [well on some occasions it can be depending what happens as a result of that care]

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