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Even though I'm no more than a monster - don't I, too, have the right to live?

Voldemort killed my parents, he was nothing more than a murderer.

I don't know who I am anymore, Karl.

I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then, I ran some more.

I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got.

Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.

That is one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that is saying something.

David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people. John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you'd point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn't be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets! David Mills: Murderers? John Doe: A woman... David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself? John Doe: [interrupts] A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever.

Lambas bread. Oh and look! MORE lambas Bread!

Seed to tree, you have to stay with me. Now, it may seem that you can't do anything, but that's just because you're not a tree yet. You just have to give yourself more time. You're still a seed.

The day I died was the day I started to live. [nope couldn't get much more cliched...]

My father died when I was thirteen and I inherited this money. Did you ever think that everyday I wake up, that I wish I could give it back, that I would give it back in a second, if it meant I could have one more day with him? But I can't. And that's my life and I deal with it.

Listen, mister, if you don't get me on board that goddamn submarine, I might just have a war for you! You got me? Now you have ten more minutes' worth of fuel, we stay here ten more minutes!

For him, not for the law. I'm surprised at you, Pete, I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar.

"I don't wanna be Mr. Pink, can't I be Mr. Purple or somethin'? Mr. Pink...sounds more like Mr. Pussy to me."

I spend half the night talking to some girl, who’s looking around the room to see if there’s someone more important she should be talking to. And I’m supposed to be happy, ‘cause she’s wearing a backpack

I spend half the night talking to some girl, who’s looking around the room to see if there’s someone more important she should be talking to. And I’m supposed to be happy, ‘cause she’s wearing a backpack.

Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more; or close the wall up with our English dead!

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Doesn't it bother you that you haven't done more with the life God gave you?

Now, now, Syd. Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative.

Every day we have is one more than we deserve

Damon is the biggest practical joker I know. He once convinced a sophomore that he was the middle Hanson brother just so he could get laid.

I don't drink anymore... I don't drink any less, either!

I am your spaniel. And Demetrius, the more you beat me, I will fawn on you. Use me - but as your spaniel. Spurn me, strike me, neglect me, lose me, but give me leave, unworthy as I am, to follow you.

Only one more generation of our species could survive. It was a desperate time. Cloning had never been used on humans, successfully. Now when a person dies, their DNA is recycled

My name is Andrei, and I have little more than that to say.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Exactly your words. So I tried not to embarrass you any more.

Your husband sweats more than any man I know, and now I can understand why.

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