Move Movie Quotes

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You keep doing that the dog is never going to move!

[singing] I like to move it, move it. She like to move it, move it. He like to move it, move it. You like to... Move it!

If your granny lives in bingville you better tell her to move cuz the coyotes are coming to burn her house down

Boris, I know that we were sweethearts in the past but things have moved on now...

Saddle tramps. They sign on, drive the beef a thousand miles, make your mark, draw your pay and move on to the next ranch.

Move it up until the private in front of you smiles

If you're born in Kentucky you've got three choices; coal mine, moonshine or move it on down the line.

Ice: moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder

All I knew was, that as long as my legs would run, and I could stand up I was gonna move toward that camp [a noble sentiment indeed, beck!]

There's nothing wrong with going nowhere, son. It's a privilege of youth. [too true people want to move too quickly these days]

I may be getting a little older, but why does that mean I cannot play the role anymore? Can I not speak, can I not move, can I not act?

Make one move to save her, D'Artagnan and we will cross swords, and this time, I swear I will kill you [not very loyal of you there Athos]

Just because you can remove yourself enough to feel superior to everyone doesn't mean I can. [well said]

How do you remove a speck of sawdust from your brother's eye when all the while there's a big plank in your own?

A golf course is nothing but a poolroom moved outdoors. [err not quite father, with the greatest respect]

This is Iron Eagle, he's not being moved, what's the hold-up?

Madam, the tunnel lies straight upwards, but there is a big rock in the way and sadly we can't move it. Only a landslide could move it. [well them's the breaks, as they say, Hans!]

Teaming up with the FBI may not be what every cop automatically does, but it is a wise move in this instance...

The Shay-Ling are like ghosts, Croft. They move constantly, and their home is the most remote mountain region in China.

This summer, my parents shipped me off to camp. I caught impetigo. And when I got back, my dad had moved out

I still love Elena, but she has more than moved on with her life, even being married

When you move your mouth over the mouth of another and the kiss happens for the first time, fireworks

There are some things in life where you just have to learn to be philosophical and move on.

When your love hits the bottom of the barrel for someone elses affection you gotta pick yourself up and move on

There are times when you just have to keep your head down and move on - that's what leadership is all about.

When the mob come along, you wanna either agree or move out the way as quick as you can.

When the target of the operation suddenly moves, then so does the operation

If you know what's good for you son, you'll keep your mouth shut and move outta my way!

Getting ready to jump off Tower Bridge is a bit of an extreme move, but slightly less when doing it with someone else!

If anyone moves, you are going to have a nasty encounter with a bullet...

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