Possible Movie Quotes

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There's a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep 'em all away from you. That's never possible.

I never knew that music like that was possible!

Sometimes things happen between people that make it impossible for them to stay together.

This could be quite a battle, gentleman, so we have to be as ready as possible.

Do you think this would be a possible location for the business?

Divorced Americans are the most unhappy people in the world, with a possible exception of married Scandinavians.

Is it possible, Mother, for someone to hit you hard like that... and it not hurt you at all?

It is not difficult to catch Don, it is impossible! [why are you invisible DONNY boy?]

Is it possible, conceptually, for time to last a day longer than eternity, if eternity is all time?

I can't understand how it's possible to live your whole life without someone and be doing more or less ok! [which bit don't you understand Laura?]

Impossible just takes a couple extra phone calls. [err no you don't get the concept of impossible at all do you doug - nothing to do with the phone]

Sometimes in life it is actually possible for the good guys to triumph over bad guys [yes but so rare they make a film about it]

I want these two clods assigned to the nitro detail, as soon as possible. [clod now that's a good old fashioned word]

Is it possible for something as terrible as terror to be holy?

I'm ashamed to be your father. You're a disgrace to our family name of Wagstaff, if such a thing is possible.

What does everyone want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. [impossible - you can't win a world series when you are the only country that plays can you!]

How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world I never knew? [a fair question]

When your daughter is kidnapped it is not possible to think about anything else

When I teamed up with her, my ex girlfriend, I knew that great things were going to be possible for these people

Do not fade. Do not wither. Do not grow old. [er a bit impossible that queenie]

Out of darkness it is not possible for anything good to come until it is penetrated by the light

Can you be both brave and stupid at the same time? It seems to me that this must be possible.

There are things that you can do when you put your mind to it that you never believed were possible

No, there are things you need to understand, most people lie about their thoughts and feelings, revealing the truth about anyone other than yourself is not possible

Open the boundaries of what is possible and all sorts of things you never imagined will flood in.

I want to spend the day with you, if at all possible, I want to spend as much time with you as I can, unless I'm coming on way too strong right now and scaring you

You should realise that romance in these parts is impossible and do not harbour those distracting dream

Is it possible at one time that you were made of stone, wood, lye, varied corpse parts?

It is not possible to deny it, so you may as well just own up to it!

It is possible that he is telling the truth, but not very possible.

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