Pretty Movie Quotes

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Your kids have touched me...and I'm pretty sure I've touched them too...

Racially he's pretty cool?

This is pretty much the worst video ever made

Its a liger,its pretty much my favorite animal,a lion and a tiger mixed,bred for its skills in magic

I bet people were pretty scared when they invented the train.

You don't wanna get laid, man. It leads to kissing and pretty soon you gotta talk to them!

We're pretty cramped for space here, we need at least two more bedrooms.

I've seen things here that I could never possibly have imagined, and I've got a pretty broad imagination.

It's not a pretty face, I grant you, but underneath its flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.

I pretty much invented modern art, and I do weird abstract paintings even though I could paint totally realistic if I wanted to

I'm a bachelor and with all the pretty girls around here... well I feel that I'm in paradise!

You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face

When a man begins to do a lot of talking about hanging, he better make pretty sure as to who is going to decorate the end of the rope

Did you know that the most developed part of the brain is the ability to distinguish one face from another? Two eyes, a nose and a mouth - in principle they look pretty similar on everyone, but our brain has been trained to see a face in everything, which is why we often think we see one in clouds, toast or any other object

Hate for hate's sake and the whole world gets annoyed with each other pretty quick!

Where we live darling it is a heat wave pretty much the whole year round!

Oh please, I don't think of myself as being that pretty. [just as well dawn as you ain't]

Seems pretty strange someone would call you from a maternity hospital in the middle of the night.

A hatchet job... well that's never something pretty is it though it can be kinda effective!

My name is Lucky, and that's exactly what I am - I am lucky in pretty much everything that I do!

There was a fever over the land. A fever of disgrace, of indignity, of hunger. We had a democracy, yes, but it was torn by elements within [sounds pretty nasty that problem ernst!]

Being a gigolo isn't all that you might think - some of things that you have to do are pretty horific when you think about it!

They're gonna blow my head off, you know. This is the last time I'll ever be pretty.

if you didn't try so hard to fight against it you could be a pretty decent kind of person.

You're a pretty good fighter back there. I have this idea. Will you be my body guard?

Working from 9 - 5 is pretty hard work, especially with most modern employers where the day extends a few more hours

When you are a member of this family, you learn pretty soon that anything can happen!

Being accused of murder when you are innocent is a pretty tough thing to get your head around

The ones we love are always pretty, but the ones who are pretty to begin with

I suppose Henry Wingo would have been a pretty good father - if he hadn't been such a violent man.

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