Reach Movie Quotes

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Greg, a man reaches a certain age when he realizes what's truly important. Do you know what that is?

You preach about waiting for love. Well, here it is, right in front of you, and you're going to turn your back on it. So that makes you a hypocrite.

Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more; or close the wall up with our English dead!

I wonder how such a degenerated person ever reached a position of authority in the Army Medical Corps!

What is this, some sort of dork outreach program?

I have reached the roof of the world!

Numbers! You can spend your whole life counting them and never reach the end.

Numbers! You can spend your whole life counting 'em and never reach the end.

Keep your chin up and your head down boys, and glory is within our reach!

You have a goal, and you have the balls to reach that goal. You have this blind stupid belief in yourself.

But to enter Montero's world, I must give you something which is completely beyond your reach.

You will preach what you do not believe to men who do not care.

You have always been so kind to me, and I won't be seeing you again since I'm killing myself once we reach the honeymoon suite

There are times when you think that you might like to shoot for the moon, but you don't even reach the stars.

Just keep on going and when you reach the place itself, you will have a feeling and know where you are

The one [dream man] I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of, in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart

When you're scared all the time, you reach a point when you wish you were dead

It is a common mistake for boys of your age and athletic ability to underestimate men who have reached their maturity

When the time comes, it will feel like we have reached the end of the world

It's good for us to experience new things. We have to reach out together, be more open to things.

Street preaching... that alone is not a crime is it, so let's be careful how we handle this one

If you think something is hard work, double, no, treble it... and you might be getting close to how hard it was to reach this dammed treasure!

Lord strike this sinner down. Send a bolt down to smite and consume the blasphemer now [very forgiving preacher]

Why do I get the feeIing that... if I reach out and touch you, you'll disappear? [maybe cos it's a ghost?]

Do you have what it takes to navigate the galaxy? It's not for the faint of heart, for once you embark upon your journey there's no turning back until Zathura's reached

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