Rip Movie Quotes

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I don't gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that.

Get a grip, Tone!

"I'm already 10 years old, and I don't know if I'm white with black stripes or black with white stripes."

Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.

Is it true, sir, that when they found him, his stripes and insignia were still on the uniform?

As you can see, the psuedo-facade was stripped away to reveal a minimalist rococo design. Note the unusual inversely vaulted ceilings

Believe me dear lady, children are a better form of marital therapy than any trip to India.

It used to be a hell of a lot easier to fuc*ing rip somebody off! [mind your language please Jimmy!]

Who cares? If someone was smart, they'd rip out all these graves and plant tomatoes.

Everyone is out there to rip you off these days.

I went outside, tripped over the chaise lounge, hit my head on the cement and rolled into the pool

Billy Two Hats? How did you get a name like that? [poor scriptwriter, I s'spect]

I am devoted to my craft, devoted to the art that is writing a large manuscript.

How can I hate the crippled, the mentally deficient, and the dead? [on critics]

The number 10 raised almost literally to the power of infinity. [meaningless Mobius / script writer, as any finite number is infinitely smaller than infinity]

Marriages don't work when one partner is happy and the other is miserable. Marriage is about both people being equally miserable. [oh dear, was the script writer going through divorce at the time of creating that?]

That one's got a cute little stripe on its head. Hey, cutie

Always hanging out around those kinky strip bars. You know, the ones where the men take their clothes off

He rides tall, does he who rides at all [very good rhyming there scriptwriter]

That car is alive! You gotta believe me. It's mocking me! I'm telling you! That car is alive! [a car that is alive, Trip by name and nature perhaps?]

And because you're such a good kid, here's another nothing, for nothing. [thanks for such a descriptive line Yogi do you know John Prescott?]

Hippy mother? Now the question is, whether that description is a compliment or an insult!

I've never found anything worth keeping. [you've probably not been looking in the right places then Gripweed!]

I remember once going on a school trip to the top of the Empire State Building. When I looked down at the crowds of people on the street they looked like ants

When all else fails I retreat to and get absorbed in my writing, a national hero in an engrossing and gripping story

Although, so far there's no known treatment for death's crippling effects, still everyone can acquaint himself with the three early warning signs of death: one, rigour mortis; two, a rotting smell; three, occasional drowsiness.

I'll probably just use her for the rest of the summer and then throw her on the scrap heap with all the rest of the women that I've destroyed. [that's nice of you Tripper]

It may not sound like such a bit thing, but he was crippled and I kinda took pity ya kno.

It changed my life hearing that the summer trip was not going ahead, so I thought I would go to the mountains by myself

Any world that can produce the Taj Mahal, William Shakespeare, and striped toothpaste can't be all bad [we agree on two out of three]

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