Road Movie Quotes

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In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

When two people love each other, they come together - WHAM - like two taxis on Broadway

You're the roadrunner? Yep, never been caught. Meep meep.

I really want to get to Broadway, but it seems like a long way from this spaghetti house!

We will all oppose the building of this railroad for as long as we possibly cam.

I am not up to the criminal behaviour of a Broadway Producer. [ha ha!]

Walk along the road, across the bridge, and turn right on the other side!

I've seen things here that I could never possibly have imagined, and I've got a pretty broad imagination.

Along the quiet back roads all sorts of secrets of human life are concealed from us...

Wait a minute... what does cul de sac mean? end of the road. Oh.

Truck drivers are the only ones that know the best places to stop on the road.

So why is it called flamingo road, are there pink birds on it?

It's not as dangerous as when I got thrown off the Long Island Rail Road, and this isn't even moving.

Meet you at the crossroad, crossroad, crossroad - yes that's where I'll meet you.

The first comic I ever met stole my piggy bank in a railroad station in Portland [I guess they weren't funny enough then dixie!]

Further on up the road, Someone's gonna hurt you like you hurt me [more inspired lyrics there by mr clapton]

I like to look for things no one else catches. I hate the way drivers never look at the road in old movies. [good spot there Amelie]

I'm not going about with him no more - his cars off the road.

I read your broadcast up to the point where you describe the collapse of France.

Just because the whole thing is crazy doesn't mean it won't make it on Broadway!

The road he treads is difficult and stony. He rides for days on end with just a pony for a friend

If there wasn't this traffic on the road today then I would already have what my heart desires so much!

Road trips are the sort of thing that can turn out to be disasters or spectaculars, sometimes it's hard to tell which it was!

When I cruise past and look at all the road kill on the side of the road, I rev up even faster baby!

When you come to the big lights of Broadway, you either stay level headed or a strange change occurs

This group is hotter than hot. They've sold more records in Sweden than Abba. [Abba sold most abroad]

This may come as a shock to you, but most guys are into this kind of thing. [going on a road trip sort of thing]

It's a good night to be abroad and looking for game.

There ain't nothing special about a car such as this, there are thousands of them like this out there on the road.

How did the quadriplegic cross the road? He was stapled to a chicken.

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